The Talks are organised by SCBWI Malaysia with Yusof Gajah Lingard Literary Agency. All meetings are from 2.30-5.30pm unless otherwise stated. Dates, topics and speakers are subject to change and will be updated as soon as we can on our website as well as on our Facebook page. The main speaker will be Linda Tan, president of SCBWI Malaysia but we will update accordingly when there are other speakers. If you have a topic you wish to discuss, please contact Token entry fee of RM10 for tea and handouts.
Jan 2012, Sat 7 -- Getting my book published - Overview of the Publishing Process / The Calistro Prize and Q&A
Jan 2012, Sat 21 -- What do literary agents do and how they can help you / The query letter
Feb 2012, Sat 4 -- Bring your ms for reading at the Silverfish Writers' Forum. Illustrators may bring your portfolio. Free forum.
Feb 2012, Thurs 9 -- 10am-12pm - Learning and developing as a writer/illustrator / SCBWI & The Asian Festival of Children's Content. (The Asian Festival of Children's Content will be held this year on 26 May in Singapore. There will be a special price for SCBWI members. Not yet a member of SCBWI? Become one and enjoy the benefits immediately. We are this meeting to provide you detailed information on how you can benefit from the Asian Festival of Children's Content. Among others, the benefits include:
1. Learn from experts from around the world in the field of children's literature - whether writing or illustrating
2. Promote your work at the festival to publishers and agents
3. Network and get to know industry professionals4. Launch your book at the Festival and introduce your book to attendees from the region and other parts of the world
4. SCBWI Malaysia and the Yusof Gajah LIngard Literary Agency will be pleased to help you promote your works at the Festival.
Speakers from Singapore will also be present at this talk to answer all
your queries. Please also take this opportunity to bring along your
books or portfolio to show. For those who cannot come on this day,
please do not hesitate to contact us by email:malaysia.scbwi@gmail.com2. Promote your work at the festival to publishers and agents
3. Network and get to know industry professionals4. Launch your book at the Festival and introduce your book to attendees from the region and other parts of the world
4. SCBWI Malaysia and the Yusof Gajah LIngard Literary Agency will be pleased to help you promote your works at the Festival.
Feb 2012, Sat 18 – How can I protect my Copyright / The Publishing Contract
Mar 2012. There will be no SCBWI meetings in the month of March but writers are welcome to join the Silverfish Writers' Forum. Free.
Apr 2012, Sat 7 -- Literary/Illustration Award sources / Promoting your work
May 2012, Sat 5 -- SCBWI and Yusof Gajah Lingard Children’s Book Week / Group book launch
May 2012, Sat 26 to Tues 29 -- The Asian Festival of Children's Content, Singapore. Don't miss the Early Bird Rates!
June 2012, Sat 2 -- Bring your ms for reading at the Silverfish Writers Forum. Illustrators may bring your portfolio. Free.
June 2012, Sat 23 -- Book categories / Picture book fundamentals for writers and illustrators.
Jul 2012, Sat 7 - Bring your ms for reading at the Silverfish Writers Forum. Illustrators may bring your portfolio. Free
Jul 2012, Sat 21 -- The dollars and sense of publishing / should I self publish and how to go about it.
Aug 2012, Sat 4 -- Bring your ms for reading at the Silverfish Writers Forum. Illustrators may bring your portfolio. Free
Aug 2012, Sat 18 -- Marketing yourself / your book - tools and tips
Sept 2012, Sat 1 -- There will be no SCBWI meeting in Sept but you are encouraged to join the Silverfish Writers' forum. Free.
Oct 2012, Sat 27 -- How do I protect my copyright?
Nov 2012, Sat 24 -- I have written a book – what’s next?
Dec 2012, Sat 1 -- The Publishing Year in review – key developments and how it affects you